Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Assignment 3

Article Three

Comm 1610
Douglas Stowe

Teacher’s biggest frustrations are classroom sizes and lack of parent involvement.
“It is really hard to give children their personal one-on-one time they deserve when you have 28 individuals asking for the same attention.” Said Kathy Mecham, a first grade teacher at Middle Canyon Elementary.

Class size is the common complaint that teachers express concern over.

Teachers feel that they just can’t give each student the time they need in order to reach their full potential and this has teachers frustrated.

Another frustration is the lack of parent involvement.

“Parents need to step up to the plate and help out, this isn’t just a drop off zone for babysitting, this is their children we are talking about.” Said Teresa Orourke President of the Middle Canyon Elementary P.T.A.
According to State law a preschool classroom cannot exceed a 12 to 1 ratio of children to adults. Governor Huntsman himself has stated in 2007 that his goal is to reduce classroom sizes to a 20 to 1 ratio. That time cannot arrive quickly enough for teachers.
“If we could have twenty students that would be great. It would make the classroom more manageable by far.” Said Mecham.
But beliefs in Governor Huntsmans ability to deliver on his promise are not holding strong among teachers or P.T.A. representatives. The common quote when asked this question is “ I will believe it when I see it.”
I have tried to paste pictures to this and it is not letting me. I have two pictures just for this and they will not work. I will e-mail this to you tomorrow and let you see what I have with "Word" is that ok?

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