Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Not sure yet

I am still wondering if I want to take on a project as difficult as the interview would be. I will keep thinking about it and see what happens.

Ok, Have you ever felt like a horrible parent? I had a few things happen lately that make me feel about as horrible as ever. I had to take away my sons room because of his grades. He seems to be more interested in his toys and other things than he is with school (Imagine that). As a result when he brought home his latest grades and we saw many missing assignments I couldn't take it anymore and I "Cut him off." He is now without ANY toys and comic books and whatever else was in his room. I feel horrible that it came to this, but I also feel like I need to be a Father more than a friend. OOOHHKKKAAYYY, there is my spill for the day. I gotta go so I can think about what I am going to do for my test I have later.

See ya


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