Thursday, February 21, 2008

A possible change of course?

I have been contemplating today what kinds of things effect my life. It is interesting how much of a "rut" we can find ourselves in. Life has a way of making habits that are hard to break whether that be our eating, sleeping, or whatever habit we may be in. I have thought long and hard about this and in some way I want to break up the routine of my day and try something new. Something that has a satisfaction to me. The only problem is that I can't figure out what that something is.
I have been running an idea through my mind but am very nervous to even attempt it. For one thing it would be assuming a HUGE, oh what is the word?, aaggghh oh well for lack of a better word lets say privilege (although that is NOT what I am looking for). Anyway, the idea is that I would conduct an interview. I would ask the questions and I would also write the responses. The catch is that I would use the scriptures that would give me the answers. You see, the person I would be interviewing would be God. It would follow a question/answer format and would be asked and answered very openly. Now, what do you think of that? I will have to toss the idea around for a few and see what I come up with. If nothing else it would MAKE me find the answers I am looking for. Where I would feel very uncomfortable is by trying to put those answers into words that I can understand. Oh, I could mumble on like this forever! Let me think about it and see where I go. If I do start it up it will be my blog from now on and I would start with the title "The Interview". Maybe, Just maybe I will do it and see where it takes me.


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