Thursday, February 21, 2008

A possible change of course?

I have been contemplating today what kinds of things effect my life. It is interesting how much of a "rut" we can find ourselves in. Life has a way of making habits that are hard to break whether that be our eating, sleeping, or whatever habit we may be in. I have thought long and hard about this and in some way I want to break up the routine of my day and try something new. Something that has a satisfaction to me. The only problem is that I can't figure out what that something is.
I have been running an idea through my mind but am very nervous to even attempt it. For one thing it would be assuming a HUGE, oh what is the word?, aaggghh oh well for lack of a better word lets say privilege (although that is NOT what I am looking for). Anyway, the idea is that I would conduct an interview. I would ask the questions and I would also write the responses. The catch is that I would use the scriptures that would give me the answers. You see, the person I would be interviewing would be God. It would follow a question/answer format and would be asked and answered very openly. Now, what do you think of that? I will have to toss the idea around for a few and see what I come up with. If nothing else it would MAKE me find the answers I am looking for. Where I would feel very uncomfortable is by trying to put those answers into words that I can understand. Oh, I could mumble on like this forever! Let me think about it and see where I go. If I do start it up it will be my blog from now on and I would start with the title "The Interview". Maybe, Just maybe I will do it and see where it takes me.


Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Crazy day

Holy cow! I just spent ALL DAY LONG working on homework and trying to catch up. I thought all of this school stuff was behind me, but NNNOOOOO I had to go and try to get a BS! OOOHHHMMM, whew I feel better now. Great thing these blogs, ya can vent and nobody really cares at all. Everyone should get one of these things.

Ok, have you ever felt like you wanted to do something in your life but you just weren't sure what? Or have you ever felt that something was missing and try as you might you just couldn't find it? Thats a weird kind of feeling isn't it. Here I am __ years old and I still don't know what I want to be when I grow up. Well not entirely true, I do know what I want to be I just don't know if I can. Have you ever read something that just made you feel what the person was trying to say? I want to be able to write things so powerful that people live what I write. Wouldn't that be awesome? I have a long way to go, but ya never know what life might bring ya.
See ya later

Thursday, February 7, 2008


Ok, is it just me or does life seem to get more crazy the older you get? I don't remember ever being so nuts in my life. School sure does take its tole on a person, but I guess if it didn't then half of its purpose would be lost right off the bat. I had an idea the other day and on a whim I just took off and started with it. I started my own web-page and wanted to see if I even had any hits on it. Guess what? I got one! (does a teacher count?) Anyway she got into the spirit of it and left me an article to post. If anyone wants to see it here it is. http//
You should check it out and lets get the ball rolling on it. Anyway, I have way too many things to do still tonight and I have to hurry. I will be back on later to see how things are going.
