Thursday, March 27, 2008

How can people be so wrong?

I just finished watching a movie about Afganistan. It was a sad movie, but made even more sad by the truthfulness of what the Taliban were. I find it hard to imagine how people with such obviously wicked intentions can get themselvs situated into power. Men like Hitler and numerous others throughout the history of this earth. It is no wonder that God weeps for his creations here. He created us that we might have joy and yet "The love of man has waxed cold and they are void of affection one toward another." You cannot open up a paper and NOT find stories of this hatred. It seems like every day there is a war somewhere in this world, everyday someone somewhere has done hurt to someone intentionally. To quote an old phrase "Can't we all just get along?"
I feel saddened by this sensless and vicious violence that is everywhere present. I think that if the only way for this to end is for Christ to come again and rule on this earth then tomorrow is too long to wait. I wish he would come NOW, TODAY!! Then maybe I could travel anywhere in this world and visit my brothers and sisters and feel like a brother. Oh man this struck a very hard chord in me because I have such a strong love for ALL of my fellow men. Someday the Hitlers of this world will have their day in judgement and I pitty them. They may thrive for an instant here, but they will burn with guilt over what they could have been and could have done for humanity throughout eternity. That is a punnishment I wouldn't wish upon my worst enemy.
Ok, enough rambling for today, I think I have vented my fill for tonight.


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