Friday, January 18, 2008

Answers, I need answers

Ok, I was just reading through the Deseret News and came across a story about Osama-Bin-Ladens son. He would like to work in peaceful means to bring understanding to the west. I admire that greatly because I agree with him that military might is not the answer. I have some questions to pose though. I would like some one from the Arab world to answer me if they can please, and I will be as honest and open as I can. All I ask is the same in return.

1. Why does the Arab world hate the U.S so much? I reason this because it seems that the Arab world really wants to do harm to the U.S. Ok maybe not all of the Arab world but it seems like whenever some disaster happens in the U.S that costs life the (Palastinians for an example) are dancing in the streets, the Iranians have a famous picture of the statue of liberty and the face is a skull, etc. What gives? Why are you guys so mad?

2. Maybe question 1 and 2 are grouped but here it is. Why do you want to erase Israel? The Iranian president has been quoted numerous times as saying Israel is a "blot on the map that needs to be erased". Ok, first of all they are PEOPLE! nobody deserves that kind of language. Even Hitler didn't recieve that kind of lashing, when Germany was beatten the allied armies didn't obliterate the people. they recognized them as people who have every bit as much a right to live as you and I. I am being honest here ok, there is a saying that gets circulated here among some of our (Ohh how shall I put this nicely) uneducated. "They are a bunch of ragtops and we should just nuke em and be done". I get so mad at that kind of thinking and speech, the first thing that I do is to tell them to knock it off, then I try to educate them on just a few of the things that the Arab world has given to the world. I look at the Arab culture and there are so many wonderful examples of history, beauty, majesty. There is ALOT of good in those cultures. can you not see any good in ours as well?

3. The Arab nations have a deep and abiding love for their religion, I love that and respect your conviction. Can you not respect mine as well? I would NEVER dream of defaming or ridiculing your beliefs, instead I look for what is admirable in them. I was told a story once by a friend who had visited and lived in an Arab state (can't remember which one it was) and she told me that you could leave a 1,000 dollar bill on the sidewalk and walk into the store, when you came back out it would still be there. Is that not a VERY praiseworthy remark? I don't know of any place in the US that you could do that. That is what I would call bragging rights. In otherwords that is an admirable trait that I want to follow. Couldn't you find something like that in my religion also?

4. Why can't we all just get along? I often tell that to my children when they fight and argue. I don't see any reason why we can't learn from and help each other out. I don't know where my line of thinking is so off but I am asking anyone from the Arab nations to write me back. give me a comment and explain to me what your answers are to my 4 questions and I would love to hear from you.


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